DigitalPWC enables companies to understand exactly how their staff uses their computers and cell phones, giving them instant answers to hundreds of common questions that most organizations ask every day.
Mobile Device Management
Choose the simplest and most powerful MDM solution for mobile device management on the market
Secure Code Control
Protect your source code and confidential files from deliberate theft or accidental leaks
Data Loss Control
The solution DLP perfect for detecting data loss and implementing the best data loss prevention strategies
Digital Power Control ?

DigitalPWC provides out-of-the-box CLOUD tools to detect internal fraud threats, prevent data leakage, enforce legal and internal compliance, and measure employee productivity.
With more features, more flexibility, more supported platforms, more support and lower costs, DigitalPWC is able to solve problems that no other product can.

The advantages
- DigitalPWC measures employee productivity and gives you real, accurate productivity metrics that can be used to make direct comparisons between employees in the same position.
- DigitalPWC ensures the protection of your confidential data from PII theft by tracking the movement and modification of your important files across and outside your network.
- DigitalPWC provides protection against insider threats by allowing you to understand how your employees use computer applications and websites and by inspecting network packets to identify suspicious behavior or rogue applications.
- DigitalPWC's continuous stream of data, alerts and reports provide the information you need to improve your processes and make better business decisions.
- With over 40 powerful features, multi-platform computer and mobile support, and integration APIs, DigitalPWC is able to help a company of any size create its own customized solutions to improve employee productivity and safety.
Why use our products?
- Are my customer lists, sales reports and source code files safe?
- Who are my most productive employees?
- Why does this employee plug in a USB device?
- How can I quickly record employee attendance?
- Is anyone looking for a new job?
- I need a list of all the applications installed on all my digital devices right now?
- Why does he use webmail to send a file?
- Are unapproved applications installed?
- How much time does this employee waste surfing on sites that are not authorized?
- Who is streaming cat videos and blocking the company network?
Activate the DigitilaPWC license on the device
Enrolling the device
Install DigitilaPWC on any device
Windows, MAC, Apple or Android devices
Connect to the DigitilaPWC portal
Start receiving alerts and reports.